Self-Discipline Hacks for Everyone

Has your life felt a little too out of control? Maybe there are too many demands on your time and resources. People at work need something now, and your mother keeps calling asking when you’re going to come to visit next. Things are coming at you from all sides,and you desperately need a way out.

Believe it or not, the answer lies in something as simple as self-discipline. By taking charge of yourself, you likewise take charge of your life. Self-discipline means you’re making decisions that keep your feet on the path that you’ve chosen for yourself. And while the demands on your time might still be there, you can feel more in control.

Need some help getting started? Below you will find a list of some quick hacks that will set you on the road to freedom through self-discipline.

1. Pick a start date. Research has found that by setting a concrete date and putting it on your calendar, you have a higher chance of success. So chose the date and write “Freedom” in that space on your calendar.

2. Understand why you’re doing this. Create a list of reasons why you want to become more disciplined. Use that list to create affirmations and then use those often to keep yourself motivated.

3. Use creative visualization. Imagine yourself with self-discipline. How does that life look? How does it feel? By seeing your self-disciplined life in your mind’s eye, your brain believes it is possible.

4. Deal with temptation. If what you’re trying to use self-discipline to correct (like eating better) involves tangible objects, then remove those items. For example, get rid of the junk food in your cabinets, because they will become a temptation. If it’s an intangible for example, a person you can’t say no to, then write a script of how you’d like that particular conversation to go. That way you already have the words to say no when you need them.

5. Grab a snack. Willpower goes out the window when your blood sugar is low. Ask any person with diabetes about a time when they crashed, and you’ll find out just how much low blood sugar affects brain processes. Even for people who do not have diabetes, low blood sugar can have a serious effect on your ability to carry through with your plans. A quick carb-loaded snack or even a small piece of candy might be just what you need to get back on track.

6. Hang out with the cool crowd. By surrounding yourself with self-disciplined people, you create for yourself a support group as you set forth on your journey. Sometimes all it takes is someone to mentor you through the rough spots.

Don’t kid yourself, becoming self-disciplined is hard work. But you can make it a lot easier for yourself if you set yourself up for success from the start. Remember who you’re doing this for (you!),and you’ve already won half the battle.


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